What Questions Should You Ask at the End of An Interview?
Interviewer: “Do you have any questions for us?” This can be a tricky question that throws off many candidates. By this point of the interview you’re tired – and it can feel like the interviewer has covered many of the bases! However, asking questions is essential as it shows your interest and helps reveal more about the company.
If you get stuck for what to ask at the end of an interview then read on. Our consultants have compiled a selection of great interview questions that will help you stand out at your next job interview.
Preparation is key when it comes to a job interview, in fact, we’ve written an article about it before! As well as preparing answers to some of the frequently asked job interview questions, this preparation should also extend to compiling a list of questions that you would like to ask.
Senior Consultant Richard Cooling says: “Don’t be tempted to wing it on the day. Instead, show off your calm collectedness and your keen preparation to your potential employer with some pre-prepared questions. You can have these to hand on a tablet or notepad to help jog your memory.”
‘Why do you like working here?’
A bit like a reversal of the standard interview question: ‘Why do you want to work here?’ – this question allows you, the candidate, to flip this around! This is a great question as the positive framing shows your interest in the interviewer and provides you with an opportunity for personal insight into the company culture.
It’s an opportunity for the employer or panel member to showcase their enthusiasm for their profession and the company – and will hopefully give you some unique insight.
‘How does the company/your team evaluate success?’
This question also allows you an insight into workplace culture – and shows you a little about the company and team values as well. Knowing what the company is looking for and how they evaluate success helps you understand how your career progression might look.
Richard explains: “Is the interviewer able to explain this clearly and does the company have standardised benchmarking and a structured process? This is an opportunity to probe this and understand the process a little more.”
‘What does a typical day look like here?’
This is a great question for showing further interest in the position, but it also gives you fantastic insight into the nuances of the role and what a working day might look like.
This helps you to further understand whether this role really is a great fit for you, your skills and experience. Senior Consultant Lynsey Walsh says: “The answer will also help you establish your employer’s expectations, giving you more of an idea of what to expect, should you be successful!”
‘What are the challenges of this role/workplace?’’
It’s always great to go into a role with your eyes wide open – and all jobs and roles come with their challenges. This is another question that flips around a standard interview question: ‘What are the challenges you think you will face in this role?’
This question gives you an opportunity to understand what these challenges would be and if they are something you are willing to take on, and if they fit with your skillset. If you are asking about the workplace, the answer will give you even further insight into workplace culture and values, while asking about the role will enable you to delve more into what you can expect.
A note of caution – if you have been asked about what challenges you expect to face in the role earlier on the interview, it’s best to phrase this question as challenges in the workplace to avoid repetition.
We asked our audience on LinkedIn which of these interview questions they thought was the strongest and planned to use in their next interview. Here’s what they said:
What are other great interview questions you can ask the panel?
- What opportunities are there for progression?
- What training opportunities do you offer?
- How could I impress you during my probation period?
- How do you see the company evolving over the next five years?
Our final words of advice
Preparing a list of these questions will enable you to have your finger on the pulse during the interview. Just be sure to stay alert throughout the process – and when the moment comes only select questions that have not already been covered by the panel earlier in the interview – or this could end up undoing all your hard work during a well-prepared interview! Good luck!