
The Career of a Temp and Interim

The career of a temp or interim can take many forms, some contractors come to temping as a short-term solution to aid them in securing a permanent role, while others make a lifetime career out of temporary work. So, we wanted to take a moment here to explore the many opportunities open to an interim worker and the reasons that candidates opt for interim work.

What types of roles can you find as a temp or interim?

Roles are varied – and here at CMA we specialise in recruiting for interim roles across HR, Accountancy & Finance, Executive and Practice.

Within Accountancy and Finance, roles could involve helping implement new systems and overseeing change projects at a senior level – to supporting business as usual tasks a Management or Financial Accountant would do, such as preparation of management accounts and year-end prep.

Transactional level roles may incorporate purchase ledger or credit control, which arise due to a back log or influx of work.

HR roles are similar – with opportunities to contract at a senior level such as HR Director or HR Business Partner, through to more junior positions like HR Advisor or HR Co-ordinator. This can also extend to Recruitment or Talent Acquisition teams.

What qualities are needed for a temp?

In addition to the qualities needed on a job description, our consultants also look out for the following traits specifically when hiring interim candidates:

  • Reliability and adaptability
  • Ability to pick up new systems easily
  • Solutions driven and eager to learn
  • A hands-on approach with the ability to work with initiative.

Dipping in a toe between roles or using temp work to gain further experience

Since July 2020 we have made 814 temp placements, with 20% of these going on to become permanent roles. We’ve previously covered the many benefits of contracting – one of the key reasons being the varied experience it offers. For those looking to plug a gap in their CV, gain exposure to new systems or sectors or upskill, then temping provides the perfect opportunity, as these two case studies below testify….

Case study one – Dhruv – Interim Finance

Moya Dunne worked with Dhruv after he had finished his dissertation for a master’s degree in Accountancy and Finance. Dhruv could only work 20 hours a week and had no UK finance experience. We were able to secure him a one month temp role supporting purchase ledger and reconciliations.

After completing his degree, he increased to full time hours. This initial temp job meant he gained essential UK experience, which provided a springboard in securing his next assignment. He has since secured a permanent role, which will offer him sponsorship to stay in the UK.

Case study two – Tetiana – Interim Finance

Lynsey registered an individual who had moved to the UK from Ukraine. Tetiana had held very senior roles in her home country, however without UK experience, she had found it a challenge to secure employment, until taking on a temp role through CMA.

“Tetiana supported a client of mine with a transactional finance position for a three-month period and she did a fantastic job. Off the back of this she secured a senior post, more in-line with her previous experience and she was absolutely delighted!”

Read more about the benefits of temporary work for contractors and further case studies from our contractors >

"Temping has given me a wide variety of industry and technical experience that I would never have gained as a permanent employee.” Astrid, Financial Controller

Can you make a career out of temping?

Yes, many of our contractors make a career out of becoming a temp! This could be in the form of regular return work at a particular company, multiple longer-term contracts or undertaking many smaller contracts which allows them flexibility around their lives and pursuits. Below are two case studies from contractors we have worked with for many years.

Case study three: Astrid – Financial Controller ­– Career Temp

Astrid has completed her last eight assignments through CMA and is invariably extended or asked to undertake new projects. Her current role was initially for three months and she has been extended to 18 months!

Having worked closely with the CMA Basingstoke team, we have built a very close relationship with Astrid. She trusts us to find her exciting new roles and we trust her to deliver. This level of confidence in her delivery enables us to open up opportunities and set up assignments without her even having an interview.

We asked her why she decided to become a career interim…

“Basically, I’m a commitment-phobe! I found myself trapped in roles that didn’t suit me and thought that the interim/temp market would give me more freedom.

“Variety has been a big thing. I’ve found I have become an expert at sorting out niggling puzzles and doing the stuff that people don’t have the time to do in their day job. Temping has given me a wide variety of industry and technical experience that I would never have gained as a permanent employee.”

What do you enjoy most about temping?

“The variety and freedom, meeting lots of different people, feel good factor knowing you have added value and most importantly time to work and play! When I’m on an assignment, I am committed and work hard, often long hours but the bonus is I can take big breaks in between without feeling guilty about the time off or thinking about checking emails because I know I have completed my job.

“The downside is lack of security, but I plan for this and manage finances accordingly. Having an agency you trust to support you is also essential.”

Case Study four: Jackie –Interim Finance – Career Temp

Jackie has just celebrated 30 years of working as a professional finance contractor. She’s been a candidate for CMA since 1994, one of the consultants at the time supported her with her second ever temporary contract and she’s never looked back since.

Jackie found that as soon as she finished one contract, a new opportunity came along at short notice, which she was happy to run with to gain additional exposure in various areas of finance. She has worked a variety of roles, including Financial and Management Accounting roles, supporting during busy periods of reporting, back log, annual audits as well as project-based work.

What attracted you to becoming a professional temp?

“The flexibility is a big bonus” says Jackie. She has been able to juggle family life and have the opportunity to take regular times out of the year including summer and Christmas. She also enjoyed the increased premium on the rate, as she often was able to earn more money as a contractor, in comparison to a permanent employee; largely to do with the demands in the market as well as becoming a bit of an expert in her field.

“One of the other benefits of contracting meant that over the years, I have been able to gain a lot more experience and exposure to a wider scope of finance.”

What are the disadvantages of contracting?

“One of the down sides of temping is that sometimes you can experience uncertainty when your contract is coming to an end” says Jackie. However, to date Jackie has been successful working for both new and historic clients which has kept her busy.

Read more case studies here – including HR Director Louise who switched to an interim career to give herself flexibility to travel and indulge in life-time ambitions. >

Further reading:

Tips for Succeeding in Temporary Employment >

The Benefits of Temporary Employment >

Discover great interim roles: search here >

Find out how we can help you find a great interim role or kick-start your temping career by speaking to one of our specialist team. Get in touch here.